“Wanawake” is a Kiswahili word meaning “women” and “Tusemezane” is a Kiswahili word which means “Let’s talk”. Hence, “WanawakeTusemezane” means “Women, let’s talk.
This is a platform that presents women from Baringo County with the opportunity to air their views on pertinent issues that touch on their Sexual and ReproductiveHealth and Rights and Gender Equality.
Elimu Kwanza Initiative works among the Tugen, Pokot and the Ilchamus communities. By and large, these communities are still steeped in retrogressive traditions and cultures that are detrimental to women’s reproductive health, development and empowerment.
This program amplifies the women’s voice and encourages them to share their challenges and find home-grown solutions that suit them. Women carry myriad burdens on their shoulders so much that they forget about their well-being and personal development and financial freedom.