What We Stand For

Our Slogan: Making everyone count

Our Mandate

EKI mandate is to educate out of school youth, women and school girls on sexual reproductive and health rights.

We work with development partners and policy makers to end mothers and child mortality rates and ensure zero unmet need of Gender-Based Violence and harmful practices by 2030, zero unmet need for harmful practices and zero unmet need in family planning services.

Elimu Kwanza Initiative is dedicated to ensuring Universal Access to Health Care in the county. Our unshakeable commitment to the dignity of women and girls who face hostile cultural practices and unforgiving patriarchal society where a man’s word is not questioned and a woman/girl is there to be seen and not heard cannot be questioned.

Vision, Mission & Focus

Our vision

To walk the talk on Gender Equality and SRHR.

Our Mission

EKI works to save lives, defeat poverty, ensure Gender Equality, safe motherhood, family planning and achieve social justice. We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security.

Our focus

We put women and girls at the centre of our objectives and goals because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.

Our values

We are a transformation-based CBO. We believe in urgent action, innovation, and the necessity of transformation—within Baringo County and our own organization.


We are accountable to the people and partners we humbly serve, transparently sharing our results, stories and lessons. 


We know that by embracing differences, actively including a variety of voices, and joining together we can solve the world’s most complex problems.


We challenge ourselves to the highest level of learning and performance, tapping the best of the human spirit to create impact.


We believe in the equal value of every human being and the importance of respecting and honouring each individual; we know that change happens through people.

Our Core Values

Our values is a reflection of what we doand it is a measure of transformational actions of integrity, diversity, excellence and equality which the firm foundation under which EKI is built.


To be the catalyst of hope and empowerment to all women and the society at large

Objectives EKI shall fulfil its objectives by doing the following:

  • Doing everything within its reach to promote and foster sexual reproductive rights to accelerate sustainable development Goals for a better Kenya.
  • By raising awareness by sensitizing and educating school-going and out of school youth on SRHR so that they can make informed choices.
  • Promote Comprehensive Sexual Education to equip our children with the needed knowledge on their sexuality.
  • Work tirelessly towards the eradication or reduction of Gender-Based Violence and harmful practices such as FGM, wife-battering and forced marriages which are rampant in the county.

Without funds from the national and county governments, very little can be done to improve the lives of women, girls and the youth.

EKI will ensure that these two tiers of governments will commit financing, make policies and come up with programs that are tailor-made to ensure access to a wide range of family planning contraceptives and safe motherhood. We work to ensure:

  • Zero maternal and infant deaths
  • Zero unmet need for family Planning
  • Zero unmet need for harmful practices
  • Make rules and categories of members and their rights
  • Take insurance
  • Organize meetings, trainings and events
  • Work with similar groups and exchange information
  • Take any lawful action available to help fulfil our aims

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